The EuroScisci project builds on a series of scientific workshops (2022-2023) organized by Jacob Habinek (The Institute for Analytical Sociology, Linköping University), Pantelis Analytis (Danish Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Southern Denmark) and Samuli Reijula (TINT/Theoretical Philosophy, University of Helsinki).


December 2024: We are collaborating with the Munich Interactive Intelligence Initiative at LMU Munich to organise a workshop (20-21 February 2025), with the theme “Bridging approaches in studies of science”. The workshop aims to promote dialogue across the various specialisms that study science from complementary perspectives or in diverse ways, building a more comprehensive roadmap for future progress. The workshop is also flanked by two satellite events: a tutorial on applying NLP to study science (aimed primarily at ECRs) and a hackathon aiming to tackle some concrete goals (on 19 and 22 February, respectively).

May 2024: EuroScisci organizes a pre-conference workshop at INAS 2024 (16TH Annual Conference of the International Network of Analytical Sociology).

Diversity in Science Workshop (Helsinki, June 2022)
Mixed Methods in Science Workshop (Athens, December 2022)
Impact of Interdisciplinarity Workshop (Odense, May 2023)
Bridging Approaches Workshop (Munich, October 2024)
ICSSI (Copenhagen, June 2025)
IC2S2 (Norrköping, July 2025)

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Twitter/X: @euroscisci